Established in 1953 by John Frantz, the Frantz Filter Company became a mainstay product and process for cleaning automotive oil worldwide. Over the years, Frantz Filters has stood for innovation in the oil filtration process.
In 2014, Frantz Filters was purchased by Lubrication Specialties, Inc. (LSI), the makers of Hot Shot’s Secret products which focuses on problem specific solutions for diesel engines. “Frantz Filter is a strategic fit with the LSI line up of companies,” states Chris Gabrelcik, LSI CEO. “The same powered by science approach we take in developing Hot Shot’s Secret products has been applied to reinventing the Frantz Filter media to create an optimal filtration process offered exclusively through LSI.”
The Frantz Filter Bypass System is the most efficient oil filtering system that is commercially available for engines today. Even after many thousands of miles of use, oil filtered through a Frantz Filter Bypass System will be free of contamination to such a degree that it is considered analytically clean and 100% effective for further use.
LSI reviewed Frantz Filter Company testing data, studied third-party lab reports and conducted internal baseline testing to develop an improved and highly effective filtering media. The new Frantz Filter media filters oil more than 10 times finer than an original equipment manufacturers filterdown to 2 microns.
With the Frantz Filter Bypass System, the oil clean-up is achieved by filtering the engine oil from the bottom of the unit through a 4.25 inch dense filter media that is recirculated back to the engine. The combination of specially designed filter media and the correct degree of tautness around the filter’s core creates a filter that is unsurpassed.
This filtering process removes the foreign particles and water out of the oil that can damage the engine. The Frantz Filter System removes carbon soot, gum residues, water, abrasives, and tiny metal pieces without degrading the detergents and additives in the oil.
LSI had created many ready-made kits for popular diesel applications. Choose from a selection of the following kits or call us to find out more about your application or to order your Frantz Filter System at 1-800-341-6516.